Comic fans everywhere are excited to see Bryan Lee O'Malley's newest graphic novel, Seconds, to be released. Well, some comic fans. It's not everyone's cup of tea. I'm one of those - Scott Pilgrim, the major title that O'Malley is well known for - is a series I pointedly disliked. I liked the cute, quirky art and character designs. I got exhausted pretty quickly with the constant pop-culture references, though. And then there's Scott Pilgrim, the titular character himself - I couldn't stand him. I get that the major appeal to this series is that readers associated with him, but God, why would you want to? Scott Pilgrim is pretty horrible. I understand that if you stuck around for longer than the first volume, the way that I didn't, he undergoes a character development. But this is a good example of one of those times when I just couldn't waste my time waiting for it to happen. I'm not going to consume precious time and money waiting for an annoying character to finally become likable after 5 volumes or whatever. I'm sorry, I'll sit that one out, thanks though.
Granted, I am the Pope of "You Should Read The Book Instead of Watching The Movie, Because If You're Only Going To Do One, Reading is Better." But this is one of those times when I saw the movie instead. My friends sort of threw that back into my face (you know, "well, you should have read the books instead." But if you lean in close you can hear me whisper, "Shut up, I do what I want.") It didn't make me love Scott Pilgrim any more, but I got a crash course on the series. I also didn't read Lost at Sea, though it seemed like a better choice for me. On the other hand, there's still that problem with characters being really bratty, shallow, and annoying.
It's about that time that I admit that this isn't a review for Seconds. I haven't read it yet, but I've read the premise and I think I wouldn't mind it. It seems marginally more mature and interesting. (I mean "mature" as in "grown up," btw) I've stated my feelings on O'Malley's works, but if any of you have read this book and would still recommend it to me (or not!), please leave a comment! Maybe this will be the book that will change my mind.
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