
A to Z Book Survey

A while back I stumbled upon this Book-Blog Survey by Perpetual Page Turner. I decided that since I'll be taking over Reception at work for the next few days, and I'd have a lot of down-time, a innocent little post like this wouldn't hurt.

Author You've Read The Most Books From

Possibly Meg Cabot, though it is possible I've read all of Lois Duncan's books in Jr. High (does that count? They were clearly ghost written)

Best Sequel Ever

I can't think of anything off the top of my head, per say, but I think I'll answer 

Currently Reading

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, among some others...

Drink of Choice While Reading

Hot tea, m'dears - it's like an anchor, even if I don't drink any of it.

E-reader or physical book?

Physical book - all the way. But I have figured out that the Kindle app is extremely useful for boring parties.

Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated in High School

Well, I would have loved to have dated Stephen Maturin from Patrick O'Brian's series of books. (And then I pretty much did.)

Glad You Gave This Book a Chance

The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver

Hidden Gem Book

Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier

Important Moment in Your Reading Life

Christmas Eve, the year I was in 3rd grade. My god-mother had given me a chapter book for Christmas and initially I was so extremely upset and raised three kinds of hell - which was amazing, because I was not a child prone to temper tantrums. But then I read the book, and it literally changed everything I thought about books for me. I'm really ashamed of the way I acted now, but I'm also eternally grateful for it too. It's the reason why I think giving children books early on is so extremely important.

Just Finished

Kinds of Books You Won't Read

Gentlemanly-type espionage, action movie equivalents. And books about sports, because sports are against my religion. 

Longest Book You've Read

Oh, Clash Of Kings, for goodness sake!

Major Book Hangover Because of

Ha! Probably Birdsong

Number of Bookcases You Own

Technically three of them, plus one built-in communal bookcase but I literally have books stacked on every flat surface that I conceivably stack them on. (And some that inconceivably! [am I using that correctly?]) 

One Book You Have Read Multiple Times

Jane Eyre!

Preferred Place to Read

On the living room couch, but only if no one else is in the living-room (so, never). Most of the time I read in my bed, with the radio on the block out other noises, or at a cafe.

Quote That Inspires You

"Let me live, love and say it well in good sentences."

Reading Regret

Not allowing friends to lend me so many books, actually. Whenever I visit my friends, I almost always come home with more books then I can read! It gets really hard to keep track of, and it's too hard telling them no!

Series You Started and Need to Finish (series is complete)

Game of Thrones. UGH! It's so LONG!

Three of Your All Time Favorite Books

Jane Eyre, Swamplandia!, and Runaway Bunny

Unapologetic Fangirl For

Mr. Darcy, Yo!

Very Excited for This Release More Than All the Others

Vampires in the Lemon Grove by Karen Russel, and the US edition of Morrissey's autobiography (which I have pre-ordered)

Worst Bookish Habit

Aaahhhh... I really shouldn't mark in library books, huh? That's a new habit of mine, too. :/

X Marks the Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book

Haha, well since I'm at work, I'll have to wait until I get home to answer this, y'know?

Your Latest Book Purchase

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. I'm loving Fangirl so much, I went to the bookstore as soon as I could to buy MORE!

ZZZ-Snatcher Book (last one that kept you up way too late)

Harry Potter

So do we share any of these in common?  What are your answers?  If you did the survey, feel free to leave a link in the comments and I'll check out your posts!

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